Nintendo Magazine 2022 Deep Cut Interview

this page is part of a project to compare the characterization of various splatoon characters between the japanese and north american versions! this page is still under construction, and the translation is not yet proofread.

Please hover green text for translation notes! Honorifics have been maintained outside of the interviewer's dialogue.

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Interviewer It seems you've really settled in as the hosts of the Anarchy Splatcast.
Shiver Thank you very much. I really think it's all thanks to the kind support of everyone in The Splatlands.
Frye Well, if you ask me, Shiver and Big Man are still too stuffy!
Big Man Ay... (I think it's Frye-chan that's too unrestrained...)
Interviewer It's said all three of you come from prestigious families in the Splatlands. Since your families seem to mingle often, does that mean you've all been friends since you were very young?
Big Man Ay! (Actually, the truth is we almost never talked to eachother when we were kids.)
Shiver When our families would get together, we only really exchanged greetings.
Frye I was always busy with dance practice and stuff, I didn't have free time to invite people to play.
Shiver Seemed more like you were always sneaking out.
Interviewer I thought for sure you'd be childhood friends.
Frye The three of us only started hanging out together after enrolling in middle school, right?
Shiver That's right. Me and Frye were in the same class, but she was a bit of an outcast. She was kind of reckless, and I unconsciously started looking after her.
Frye I thought the exact same thing about you, Shiver.
Interviewer You must have hit it off before long, then.
Frye We both liked singing. We'd sing together on the rooftop together often.
Shiver "Calamari Inkantation" and the like. Ah, of course the Splatlands version that goes "chanpiripi~".
Frye And, after a while, just doing a capella wasn't enough for us.
Shiver We heard that Big Man is good at piano, and he was in the class next to ours, so we asked him to give us a little help.
Big Man Ay~ (I was so nervous when you two called me out~. I was thinking "are they gonna mug me?")
Shiver What?
Big Man Ayy...
Interviewer You were scouted a few years after that, and made your debut in the blink of an eye. Now you're a symbol of Splatfests.
Frye Not just Splatfests! We're the number-one radio hosts and treasure hunters too!
Interviewer What's this "treasure"?
Big Man A-aay! (Umm, lately she's obsessed with collecting rare cards from a certain game!)
Shiver I think we've talked about our personal matters enough. Shall we move on?
Interviewer Well then, about the song "Anarchy Rainbow" you've been performing at Splatfests since this summer: it seems Big Man is usually in charge of composition, does the same go for this track?
Big Man Ay Ay (It was actually Frye-chan's idea. The three of us went out to eat okonomiyaki, and she suddenly said "EUREKA!")
Frye Yep! I realized if you stack 3 pieces of okonomiyaki and put the strawberry-shaped red pickled ginger on top-
Big Man Aay! (I meant what you said about combining each of our families' traditional songs and dances into one track!)
Interviewer So, you were able to make a track that combines all three of your sounds in a way that has mass appeal, but isn't watered down. But wasn't it a challenge to make?
Big Man It sure was, since all three families use different instruments and different scales in their traditional music. It took me about a month and a half until i managed to consolidate them)
Shiver After he finished it, Big Man looked like a dried fish. It was quite a sight.
Big Man Ay... (It's because I had to remake it 7 times because of Shiver-chan's criticism...))
Shiver The song turned out great, wasn't that worth it? Well, even though you only say "Ay", the composition and lyrics both came out perfect, don't you think?
Frye And the demo, I couldn't believe he could sing with his body totally dried up like that!
Interviewer Big Man recorded the demo too?
Shiver It was really just an example song. In terms of dialect and how we sing it, he always lets us do whatever we want.
Frye By the way, I wrote the rap and chose the title myself!
Interviewer Deep Cut's music feels one of a kind, but is there any influence from other artists?
Big Man Ay! (There is! Lately I've been paying attention to Front Roe. You can learn a lot from them. And of course, C-Side with their laid-back approach!)
Shiver Our track "Now, we must paint!" is a cover of* C-Side's "Now or Never".
Interviewer Front Roe and C-Side. Both are popular bands based in the Splatlands.
Big Man Aay~ (Oh, but I've also been listening to bands and DJs from Inkadia~)
Frye Did you just say Inkadia?
Big Man Ay?! (Eep!)
Interviewer Thank you very much for your time. Lastly, please give us a few words on what the future holds for Deep Cut.
Big Man Ay! (First we're going to further build on the Anarchy Splatcast, which is already on the right track...)
Frye I want more songs to hype up Splatfests!
Shiver Don't you think we should have a lively but elegant song that says "Thank you for participating" to everyone after a battle?
Frye Good idea! Get on it, Big Man!!
Big Man A-ay... (It's not gonna be due by tomorrow, is it...?)
会見者 「バンカラジオ」のパーソナリティも、すっかり板についてきましたね。
フウカ おおきに。バンカラの皆さんの温かいご声援のおかげやとつくづく思うとります。
ウツホ ま、ワシに言わせればフウカとマンタローはまだカタすぎるがの!
マンタロー エイ……(ウツホちゃんが自由すぎな気もするけど……)
会見者 ご実家はそれぞれバンカラ地方の名家だとか。家と家の交流もあるそうですし、みなさんは幼い頃からの仲なんですか?
マンタロー エイ!(それがぼくたち、じつは小さい頃はほとんど話したことがなくて)
フウカ 三家の会合で集まったときに、あいさつしとったくらいやね。
ウツホ 踊りの稽古やら何やら忙しくて、遊びに誘うヒマもなかったしのう。
フウカ アンタしょっちゅう抜け出しとったらしいやん。
会見者 てっきり幼なじみかと思っていました。
ウツホ 3人でつるむようになったのは中学に入ってからじゃな?
フウカ そやね。ウチとウツホとは同じ組やったんですけど、このコちょっと浮いてはったん。それがなんや危なっかしゅうて、ついつい構ってしもて……。
ウツホ ワシもフウカに対してまったく同じコトを思っとったぞ。
会見者 そのうちに意気投合したと。
ウツホ どっちも歌が好きじゃったした。よく学校の屋上で一緒に歌ったもんじゃ。
フウカ 「塩辛節」とかなぁ。ああ、もちろん「ちゃんぴりぴ~」て歌うバンカラ地方の「塩辛」どすえ。
ウツホ ほんで、だんだんアカペラじゃ物足りんくなってきてのう。
フウカ マンタローがピアノ上手いっちゅう話は聞いてましたし、教室もおとなりやったんで、ちょっと顔貸してもろたんです。
マンタロー エイ~(呼び出されたときはすっごく緊張したな~。カツアゲされるのかと)
フウカ なんて?
マンタロー エイィ……
会見者 それから数年でスカウトされ、瞬く間にデビュー。今ではフェスのシンボル的存在です。
ウツホ フェスだけじゃないぞ!ラジオもオタカラ探しもわしらがナンバーワンなのじゃ!!
会見者 ”オタカラ”とは?
マンタロー エ、エエイ!(えーと、最近とあるゲームのレアカード集めにはまってるそうです!)
フウカ プライベートの話はよろしいやろ。次いきましょか?
会見者 では、この夏からフェスのライブパフォーマンスで披露している楽曲「蛮殻ミックスモダン」について。曲作りはマンタローさんの担当だそうですが、この曲も?
マンタロー エイエイ(言い出しっぺはウツホちゃんなんです。3人でお好み焼きを食べに行ったら突然「ヒラメいた!」って)
ウツホ ウム!お好み焼きを3枚重ねていイチゴ形の紅しょうがを乗せると……。
マンタロー エーイ!(ボクらの流派に伝わる歌や踊りをそれぞれ生かしつつまとめ上げて、ひとつの曲にしよう……って話のほうだよ!)
ウツホ いっ、今それを言おうとしてたんじゃーい!!
会見者 それで、3人の色がアピールされつつ濃厚なまま混ざり合っていくような曲が生まれたんですね。しかし、それを形にするのはひと苦労だったのでは?
マンタロー エーイー(そうなんですよ、流派によって音階も違えば楽器も違うし。どうにかしてまとめるまで、ひと月半くらいいかかったなぁ)
フウカ やりきったあとの干物みたいなマンタローは見ものやったわ。
マンタロー エイ……(フウカちゃんのダメ出しで7回作りなおしたからね……)
フウカ その甲斐あってええ曲になったやろ?ま、エイだかんだ言いつつ曲も詞もキッチリ仕上けてきはったね。
ウツホ 仮歌も、あの干からびた体で歌ったとは思えん出来じゃったな!
会見者 仮歌もマンタローさんが?
フウカ ほんまにお手本みたいな歌で。ただ訛りや歌いまわしに関しては、いつもウチラの好きなようにさせてもろてます。
ウツホ ちなみにラップの中身と曲名は、ワシがずずいと決めておるのじゃ!
会見者 すりみ連合の音楽は唯一無二といった印象ですが、ほかのアーティストに影響を受けることは?
マンタロー エイ!(あります!最近はFront Roeに注目してるかな。すごく勉強になるので。それとやっぱり王道のC-Side!)
フウカ ウチラの「イマ・ヌラネバー!」は、C-Sideさんの「Now or Never!」のカバーやねんな。
会見者 Front RoeにC-Side。どちらもバンカラを拠点に活動する人気バンドですね。
マンタロー エ~イ(あ、でもハイカラ地方のバンドやDJもチェックしてて~)
ウツホ 今、ハイカラと言ったか?
マンタロー エィッ?!(ひぃっ!)
会見者 ありがとうございました。最後に、今後のすりみ連合についてひとことお願いします。
マンタロー エイ!まずはやっぱり軌道に乗った「バンカラジオ」をさらに盛り上げ……。
ウツホ フェスをアゲまくる曲がもっと欲しいのう!
フウカ 一戦終えたみんなを「おつかれさん」てねぎらうような、はんなりした曲もいるんちゃう?
ウツホ というわけじゃ!頼むぞマンタロー!!
マンタロー エ、エイ……(明日までにとか言わないよね……?)
Interviewer The three of you have really settled in as hosts of the Anarchy Splatcast, haven't you?
Shiver Well, thank you! We couldn't have done it without our adoring fans.
Frye Hah! If you ask me, Shiver and Big Man could still loosen up a bit. Improv some, y'lnow?
Big Man Ay... (Frye, that isn't in the script...)
Interviewer I know you all have a lot of history together. Didn't your families get together frequently when you were growing up? Have you all been friends since childhood?
Big Man Ay. Ay? Ay. (I wouldn't say friends. Friendly? We knew each other. We knew OF each other.)
Shiver It's true. We sort of just said "hi" in passing.
Frye I don't know about y'all, but I was WAY too busy with dance lessons and eel training and stuff like that to have, like, real friends.
Shiver But you used to sneak out all the time!
Interviewer Huh! I guess my research failed me. I thought you were all lifelong friends.
Frye Well, we did start to become close around middle school or so. Right?
Shiver Yeah, that's right. Frye and I were in the same class, and I could tell that she was a little bit wild, a little bit reckless. I sort of looked after her.
Frye Y-you? Looked after ME? If anything, it was the other way around!
Interviewer Well, at some point, you must have started to mesh.
Frye Oh yeah. We bonded over music. We used to literally sing from the school rooftop!
Shiver Right! We used to belt out Calamari Inkantation from up there. You know that one, don't you? it goes, "Buh, duh-dee, dah-dee, buh-duh-dah-dee-dah..."
Frye C'mon, everyone knows that one. But yeah, that's when we realized that a cappella wasn't going to cut it.
Shiver We knew Big Man a little bit, and I heard he was good on piano. So we asked him to see what he could do with the track.
Big Man Ay. Ay! (I was so nervous. I thought you wanted to fight me, or something!)
Shiver What?!
Big Man Ay! (I'm nervous again!)
Interviewer Well, you were "discovered" a few years later, and the rest is history. Now you're the face of Splatfests in Splatsville!
Frye We're the face of Splatfests AND banditing. If there's loot to be looted, we'll loot it!
Interviewer Sorry- what's this "loot" you speak of?
Big Man Ay. (Oh, she's obsessed with this particular card game. She has to have all the cards.)
Shiver Um, this interview is going off the rails. Can we refocus?
Interviewer Of course- my apologies. Let me ask you about the song Anarchy Rainbow. You performed it at a recent Splatfest, didn't you? Big Man, I know you do a lot of composition. Was that the one that you wrote?
Big Man Ay! Ay. (Actually, the inspiration for that song came from Frye! We were eating at a food cart when she looked up, mouth FULL of okonomiyaki, and shouted "I'm a genius!")
Frye Yep! I figured out that if you stack the okonomiyaki and put the pickles on top-
Big Man Ay! Ay! (No, not the part about the okonomiyaki stack! The idea you had for combining the traditional school songs and dances into something new!)
Frye I'm getting there! Yeesh!
Interviewer I think I get it! You stacked the different types of music together like okonomiyaki, and the different "flavors" combined to make something new and delicious. It's a wonderful concept. But was it challenging to execute?
Big Man Ay! Ay. (It was! Each school uses different instrumentation and techniques. Bringing them together into a cohesive sound took about six weeks or so.)
Shiver You should've seen Big Man at the end. Dried up like an uncooked lasagna noodle.
Big Man Ay! (You're the one who sent me back to the drawing board seven times!)
Shiver Well, that's what made it good, right? Your music and lyrics may have had a little bit to do with it as well.
Frye Don't forget the demo that Big Man made! I can't believe he could still sing like that when he as all dried out.
Interviewer Big Man recorded the demo?
Shiver He did. But he knew that me and Frye would put our own spin on it in terms of singing.
Frye Do I have to be the one to tell 'em that I wrote the rap part and came up with the title?!
Interviewer Now, Deep Cut is obviously one of a kind. But have you taken inspiration from any other artists out there today?
Big Man Ay! Ay. (Of course! I'm a big fan of Front Roe- you can learn a lot from them. And C-Side has been making great music for a long time.)
Shiver We even covered their big hit Now or Never!
Interviewer Front Roe and C-Side... Yeah, I think I can hear the influence!
Big Man Ay. Ay. (We listen to everything though. Right now I'm really into this one DJ from Inkopolis.)
Frye Did I hear Inkopolis?
Big Man Ay! (Eep!)
Interviewer We're almost out of time, but before we wrap up...what's next for Deep Cut?
Big Man Ay. Ay. (Well, we're still trying to hype up the Anarchy Splatcast. I feel like we're just getting started.)
Frye I just want to write more anthems for Splatfests!
Shiver They can't all be anthems, Frye. Maybe we should write a ballad for everyone who participates. A battle ballad!
Frye You heard her, Big Man. Get on it!
Big Man Ay... (This is going to be due tomorrow, isn't it...)

ignore this box i'm just putting it here for later cuz im lazy

Interviewer Test
Shiver Test
Frye Test
Big Man Test
会見者 テスト
フウカ テスト
ウツホ テスト
マンタロー テスト
Interviewer Test
Shiver Test
Frye Test
Big Man Test